codigo de etica

Code of conduct

AVIS Mexico as part of Grupo Gomex is interested in offering each of our employees, customers and suppliers, a space for complaints and transparency, to strengthen the integrity of the companies belonging to the group; which will allow us to continue promoting the highest principles of honesty and ethical conduct.

If you have any doubts or questions about the interpretation and/or application of the Code of Ethics, we will be happy to help you. Contact us at

We listen

What is the nature of your relationship with the company?

Your information

First Name is a required field.
Last Name is a required field.
Please enter a valid Mobile Number
Email Address is a required field.
Please enter your date of birth.

Make a report

El nombre del colaborador a denunciar es requerido.
City is a required field.
El lugar de los hechos es requerido.
Ingrese la fecha del insidente
Field is required.
Los hechos son requeridos.